Sunday, December 9, 2012

Truthin' about Liam

As a Conservative/Libertarian, who was born and raised (and is a currently practicing) Mormon, and an almost 30 year old virgin, you might be wondering how much I can really contribute to a blog about sex and sexuality - and I'd be wondering that right along with you.  But as a heterosexual male, from a conservative and religious background I HOPE to be able to bring a viewpoint on how people from an opposing background might (and I would argue should) view different sexual preferences and backgrounds.  Despite the (sometimes deserved) stigma that conservative, and especially religious people get, I'm very open to talking and joking about sex, and accepting of different viewpoints and lifestyles.

I appreciate the beauty of the female body, and I'm not completely ignorant of all things sexual; I've never felt sexual attraction to men, and I've certainly never lacked sexual attraction to women, so I don't doubt that I would be heterosexual regardless of my upbringing or other lifestyle choices.  I also recognize that what is right for me may not be right for everyone else, and I don't begrudge anyone the right to live the way they feel is best for them, and I don't believe it's my place to judge them for it.  Despite conventional wisdom I think my openmindedness and ability to accept other people exactly the way they are actually come from my religiosity and conservatism.

So hopefully I can show you that being a conservative and a religious person doesn't necessarily make you a bigot, although it may happen more often than I would like to admit.


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